raising kingdom minded kids

A generation of world changers.
A generation of leaders and influencers, not followers.
A generation that knows the voice of the Shepherd and follows Him.
A generation that walks in God Encounters.
A generation that brings light into the darkness.
A generation that knows how deeply they are loved by the Father.
A generation that learns how to have intimacy with Jesus.
A generation who is taught by the Holy Spirit.
A generation that walks in signs & wonders.

Parents are the first teachers of their children.
Teaching their kids about God, the Bible, how to love and serve Jesus and providing real opportunities for children to hear & be led by The Holy Spirit.
But you don't have to do it alone.
"Partnering With Parents" is a unique and practical ministry approach to connecting parents with other parents, tools and resources for real God encounters for their kids and a church family to raise their child with.